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About Us

Ethics – It is our firm belief as an organization and as individuals that we would act in accordance to “Golden Rule”, regarding others as we wish to be treated, conducting our business in all aspects with honesty and integrity.

Performance & Innovation – The fundamental elements of our efforts, continually raising the bar, pursuing the development and production of innovative marketing and resale of all types of industrial equipment and products with sustainable performance and long lasting competitive advantages as a result.

Entrepreneurship – We are determined to tenaciously seek new opportunities and provide innovative solutions to the ever changing needs and challenges of our industry worldwide, in order to perpetuate the growth and influence of obtaining the highest values for surplus assets.

Customer Focus – Our goal is to listen, design and create a marketing program that meets the customer’s needs and exceeds their expectations.

People – The most valuable asset to RAAR Group USA is people. The opportunities and pathways to success are equally offered to all and all are regarded as equal.

Teamwork – Understanding everyone’s role and communication are critical in decision making and focusing our efforts, the key and foundation of our ability to set and achieve our goals which are to the benefit of our clients.

Life and Safety – Safety comes first. People are more important than results or material things. We will never make a choice where the safety of another’s life is compromised.

RAAR Group USA Pride – We support our families, communities and our country by utilizing our marketing and contacts, to bring back manufacturing to the United States of America. Supporting the quality and integrity that people have come to expect the world over. We strive to market products produced first and foremost in the USA to be sold throughout the world.

RAAR Group USA values our coal miners; steel workers; machine tool builders; aerospace workers; sheet metal workers; and everyone that helps to produce goods that are manufactured in the USA by the most disciplined, proud, resourceful and creative workers know the world over! We create products in the USA and we believe that the USA is second to no one!



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